Sprint 2 Blog Bird Brain / Guns & Gauntlets

 Sprint 2 Overview:

    During this sprint, there was a big change that had occurred that had changed my workflow. Our production team Bird Brian was disbanded, and I was moved to a different team, Guns & Gauntlets. I was not given a detailed reason why; all I was told was that the team was not going to make it through the semester. This change in teams had not affected my responsibilities as a 3D Artist / Modeler. It was a smooth transition, but it felt like all the work I did previously went to waste. What I worked on for Bird brain was the creation of the bird player model and furniture (desk, cage, mirror, and other assets) that was going to be in the play area/bedroom. Now for Guns & Gauntlets, I was tasked to model a shotgun alongside texturing it in the way the lead wanted it.

    Tasks that were complete for Bird Brain:

  • The creation of the bird player model for the game. (3 Points)
  • The creation of the platform for the bird to land in. (1 Point)
  • The creation of the finishing/fixing of the scissor interactable object. (1 point)
  • The creation of the mirror (1 point)
    Tasks that are left incomplete for Bird Brain: 
  • The creation of the Bird Cage (was in progress until group change)
  • The creation of the Bedroom walls/floor.
  • The creation of the Door.
  • The creation of the floor

    Tasks completed for Guns and Gauntlets:
  • Shotgun (3 points)
    • under 2000 tris
    • texture map at 512 x 512 pixels.
    Tasks in progress for Guns and Gauntlets:
  • Sniper 
    • under the same restrictions.

Problems Encountered and Solutions Given:

     During my time in the Bird Brain production team not many problems can up but it was a learning experience for me to learn organic modeling in Maya. Since organic modeling was mostly a Zbrush task, I only decided to do Maya only since I had no experience in ZBrush and it took a while to make the model look good. The outcome came out great for the first time.

     The only problem was a modeling process for the shotgun for Guns & Gauntlets I decided to make a high poly for the shotgun first and then create a low poly. this took longer to make since I made the high poly first then it became more restrictive for the low poly. What I did to fix this is for the next model I do I make the low poly first.

    One final problem that happened was a bit of miscommunication between me and my lead for G&G. I asked my lead if the shotgun model should be in one piece (the barrel attach to the gun body). He stated yes to it. However, when I came to the Tri restrictions it seemed unachievable. then he asks why I connected it as one piece. In his mind, he thought that the exported result was to be a unified fbx file, but the gun was to be in parts. After that got cleared up I was able to achieve the result he wanted. 
